A March Message from the Pastor

Hello Everyone,

This Sunday was a first for me, as I am sure it was for many of you, as we hosted our first virtual worship service from the UMC of Chugiak. It struck me as I waited in the church lobby on Sunday morning (to greet those who somehow did not receive the message that our in-person service was postponed) that a virtual version of worship in most cases is used to augment or lengthen the reach of an in-person gathering of people, of a fellowship community. No one arrived, and eerily, the church felt empty.  In truth, I missed being in worship with you on Sunday, however, I rejoiced in knowing that our actions and the work put in to creating a virtual worship space helped to keep you and your loved ones safe.

I am not sure how long we will be required to meet under the restrictive guidelines, but each week, we will get better in meeting you where you are and connecting you to others where they are. Our virtual worship will work to close the distance of physical space and allow us to gather in the presence of the Holy Spirit as one body in Christ. It is interesting to me that these social distancing measures can help us to form the true connection we should always have, longing to be with one another in worship, in prayer, in song, in celebration, in sadness, in peace, in anxiety, or in hope. In thinking of and in applying new ways to be together we will strengthen our body and grow our faith.

I will be utilizing our Facebook account (https://www.facebook.com/UMCofChugiak/) quite a bit for the foreseeable future. You do not need to have a Facebook account to view the page, but you will need one if you wish to comment or interact. If you need help logging on to view our page, please send an email to office@umcchugiak.org and we will help you get on board that application. Recordings will be found on our webpage (http://www.umcchugiak.org) and even on our YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQYjvKYZI82_fOlOupVqUw). Our classes will be utilizing a new platform of engagement called Zoom Meeting, so stay tuned to receive information regarding how to use that media tool.

Our reactions are not the result of fear and the giving in to anxiety, but are the implementation of measures proven to slow the spread of disease and keep our healthcare system from being overwhelmed.  Like many other organizations, we have agreed to do our part to flatten the curve. Let me be the first to tell you, this has nothing to do with my or our faith in God’s protection over us as a community of faithful believers. God is with us, creating good, making new connections, and encouraging us to think outside the box of wood, brick, and mortar. God is creating and we are part of that creative process. Do not hesitate to share your ideas and thoughts with us as work to create our connected church.

Many Blessings,

Pastor David

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