It is the intention of Bishop Elaine Stanovsky and Superintendent Carlo Rapanut to appoint Rev. Steve Lambert to serve as pastor of UMC of Chugiak, half-time, for the period February 1 – June 30, 2021.

It is also the intention of Bishop Stanovsky and Superintendent Rapanut to retain Rev. David Hall’s appointment as pastor of UMC of Chugiak but reduced to half-time beginning February 1 and ending May 31, 2021.

Pastor Steve will be the Lead Pastor. They will, as a team, continue the fourfold ministry of Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service – to preach and teach the Word, to provide pastoral care and counsel, to administer the sacraments, and to order the life of the church for service in mission and ministry (¶337, 2016 UMC Book of Discipline).


Your fellow disciple,

Rev. Carlo A. Rapanut | Superintendent
Alaska United Methodist Conference

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